Thursday, November 14, 2013

Today's the day!!!!!!!

Today I am 3 months and 6 days post my double lung transplant. I have not had any huge bumps in the road. My medications have gone down to a regular dose. I have gained over 20 lbs. Lastly, I am proud to say that I am breathing at about 90%. That means one amazing thing: I get to go home!!!! I have clinic today and I cannot bring myself to find a reason they won't let me move home. This has been a long road, and it is by no means over. But I think the hardest part has passed. I couldn't be happier with my decisions these past few months. My quality of life has been restored. I am ready to live the life I always dreamt of! I have some major events coming up! This Saturday (Yes, in just 2 days!) one of my best friends is getting married and I am a very proud bridesmaid to her! I am also practicing for my first pageant in January! I am competing for the title of Miss Phoenix/Miss Cave Creek. I have created new short term and long term goals in my new life! My short term goals are ambitious but I feel they are very possible. I want to win a pageant this year. I want to raise the most money for Children's Miracle Network in the Miss Arizona Scholarship Organization. I also want to win a preliminary at Miss Arizona. If I am ready, I'd be happy winning Miss Arizona. If not this year, another year. I want to reconnect with my home community and give back more than I ever have before. I want to hold a Cystic Fibrosis Fundraiser Walk. I want to breathe at 100%, I don't remember ever being able to do this. My long term goals are quite extraneous but nonetheless, I want to make them happen. I want to become an author, very soon. I want graduate with my PharmD and become a research pharmacist. I want to learn how to scuba dive (something I was told I could never do because of my bad lungs). I want swim with whales. I never thought much about my future before, now I know its endless. This has been an incredible journey. I am still learning to live again, but really live this time. I am grateful and thankful, but ready to move on. I'm so excited to be going home today!